Clean each digester, replace heat exchangers, rotary gas valves, pearth gas, waste gas burners, valves, piping, pumps, and appurtenances indentified in a recent asset assessment study. Total Current Contract Value is $747,069.41.
This project will be for construction of a new Maintenance and Storage Building.
SCDOT proposes to widen Leesburg Road from 719’ west S-88 (Fairmont Rd) to 705’ east of S-37 (Lower Richland Blvd) (Approx. 3.9 miles). The proposal includes improving 5 lanes (4 travel lanes with a center turn lane), adding curb and gutter, storm drainage and improving intersections.
The aging sewer system, increased number of work orders, I&I, and SSOs have made this sewer basin a priority for rehabilitation. This basin was selected in accordance with our EPA approved CSAP and IRP programs. A consultant will perform a sanitary sewer evaluation study and develop design and bid documents for gravity sewer rehabilitation in the Broad River 02 sewer basin.
The purpose of this project is to provide technical consulting support for a sewer line capacity enhancement project. The services performed as a part of this Scope of Service include evaluation of alternative alignments, engineering, design and construction services for upsizing the existing piping from Manhole 25844MH to 25871MH for a distance of approximately 8,000 linear feet. The existing 18-inch sewer will be replaced with new 36-inch diameter gravity sewer. The project limits and recommended sizing of the gravity sewer line were determined by the CITY and Hazen and Sawyer’s system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014), 2018 Collection System Master Plan, and ongoing 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates.
The aging sewer system, increased number of work orders, I&I, and SSOs have made this sewer basin a priority for rehabilitation. This basin was selected in accordance with our EPA approved CSAP and IRP programs. A consultant will perform a sanitary sewer evaluation study and develop design and bid documents for gravity sewer rehabilitation in the Crane Creek 01 sewer basin.
Relocation of approximately 3,400 feet of 8" and 12" sewer line and 100 feet of force main and appurtenances for SCDOT sidewalk and storm water improvement project.
This project involves decommissioning of the existing Starlite Pump Station, conveyance of flow by gravity to the East Bluff Pump Station, and miscellaneous rehabilitation of the upstream sanitary sewer collection system. Under a previous project, SS7325, the City completed an evaluation of the Starlite PS in which they recommended decommissioning the station and conveying the tributary sanitary flow by gravity to the East Bluff PS collection system. Prior to construction of the Starlite PS in 1971, the flow was conveyed into the East Bluff collection system. The City also conducted a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES) of the Starlite PS collection system and identified required rehabilitation of manholes, sewer lines, and clean-outs.
This project consists of review of all available data, evaluation of lift stations, development of a recommended plan, preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER), final design of the recommended plan, and bidding/construction services for the replacement/rehabilitation of Wexford and Windsong Lift Stations. The project will be at the current locations, and the lift station design will follow the City of Columbia standards.
This project consists of the investigation of Crockett Road, Atlas Road and Versch Lock Lift Stations, including all equipment and components, operating conditions, aesthetics, existing capacity and potential future capacity needs based on the sewer areas that can be served by these pump stations. The results of the investigation are being used as the basis for the rehabilitation of Crockett Road and Atlas Road lift stations as well as the removal of the Versch Lock lift station through the construction of a new gravity sewer.
The intent of this project is to meet the requirements of the Continuing Sewer Assessment Program (CSAP) and the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (IRP) which are components of the Consent Decree under which the CITY is performing this work. The project includes the collection of data for a portion of the CITY’s collection system infrastructure (Crane Creek 02 and 04 Basins) for use in determining rehabilitation and replacement needs. This project includes implementation of subsequent sewer system rehabilitation to address high priority problems that may lead to SSOs. This includes correcting structural and maintenance related defects and correcting sources of I/I. The rehabilitation implementation tasks include design of the high priority rehabilitation, bidding services, construction inspection, and general services support during construction of the sewer rehabilitation.
The purpose of this project is to perform engineering and design services for permitting, bidding, and construction for replacing/relocating the existing force main (approximately 2,500 feet) from the Three Rivers pump station to the discharge manhole along Gracern Road. The reason for replacing the existing force main was identified in the Supplemental Infrastructure Rehab Report (SIRR) due to the age and material of the force main pipe. The reason for relocating the force main is due to SCDOT’s proposed improvements as part of the Carolina Crossroads I-20/26/126 Corridor Improvement Project.
This project proposes the replacement of sanitary sewer piping to upsize the existing pipe from Manhole 01714MH to Manhole 01488MH for a distance of approximately 2,700 linear feet of 18-inch gravity sewer (this portion of the project was originally identified as SS7471). This project also proposes the replacement of sanitary sewer piping to upsize approximately 6,000 LF of existing pipe from Manhole 01488MH to Manhole 01463MH from 18-inch to 30-inch and to upsize approximately 4,700 LF of existing pipe from Manhole 01463MH to Manhole 28551MH from 21-inch to 30-inch. The project limits and recommended sizing of the gravity sewer line were determined by the CITY and Hazen and Sawyer’s system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014), 2018 Collection System Master Plan, and ongoing 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates.
The intent of this project is to meet the requirements of the Continuing Sewer Assessment Program (CSAP) and the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (IRP) which are components of the Consent Decree under which the CITY is performing this work. The project includes the collection of data for a portion of the CITY’s collection system infrastructure (the remainder of the Rocky Branch 01 Basin that was not completed previously under SS7280) for use in determining rehabilitation and replacement needs. This project includes implementation of subsequent sewer system rehabilitation to address high priority problems that may lead to SSOs. This includes correcting structural and maintenance related defects and correcting sources of I/I. The rehabilitation implementation tasks include design of the high priority rehabilitation, bidding services, construction inspection, and general services support during construction of the sewer rehabilitation.
The intent of this project is to meet the requirements of the Continuing Sewer Assessment Program (CSAP) and the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (IRP) which are components of the Consent Decree under which the CITY is performing this work. The project includes the collection of data for a portion of the CITY’s collection system infrastructure (the remainder of the Smith Branch 02 Basin that was not completed previously under SS7279) for use in determining rehabilitation and replacement needs. This project includes implementation of subsequent sewer system rehabilitation to address high priority problems that may lead to SSOs. This includes correcting structural and maintenance related defects and correcting sources of I/I. The rehabilitation implementation tasks include design of the high priority rehabilitation, bidding services, construction inspection, and general services support during construction of the sewer rehabilitation.
The effluent flow meter used during elevated river level events is not reliable and very difficult to maintain. This NPDES permit required meter has reached the end of its service life and will be replaced. Additionally, two influent flow meters on the two gravity trunklines discharging into Metro WWTP are needed for plant operations and use by Compliance and Industrial Pretreatment. These meters will track flows and loads from the respective collection basins and used in the collection system monitoring program to understand flow capacities of these basins relative to the program to control and reduce SSOs.
Relocation of approximately 52,240 feet of gravity sewer mains, force mains and two pump stations. SCDOT roadway and interchange improvements will not be able to start without construction.