The purpose of this project is to assist the City of Columbia (City) to evaluate and make recommendations for necessary improvements to the Broad River Pump Station. The services performed as a part of this Scope of Service include providing technical engineering support to the City by reviewing available data, evaluating the lift station for compliance with City standards, development of a recommended plan, and preparing a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) with a cost estimate. After approval of the PER by the City, the consultant will proceed with detailed design, permitting, preparation of bidding documents, and will assist the City with bidding. The Construction phase engineering services are not included at this time.
The project is planned to provide 1 Megawatt AC of solar power generation on City property located at the Metro Wastewater Treatment plant next to I-77. The power system would feed into the power loop at the plant behind the power meter.
The services performed as a part of this Scope of Service include providing technical consulting support to the City of Columbia (CITY) for a water main relocation project around a roadway improvement project, including utility coordination, engineering and design, and construction phase services for the project. Scope of this work is assumed to include the relocation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of 8-inch diameter water main, and 500 linear feet of 8” sewer.
This project is to support sewer annual contracts for the different methods of rehabilitation of pipelines less than 15" diameter (8" - 12"). The Rehabilitation Contract incorporates alternate methods of rehabilitation to include complete line replacement, as well as pipe bursting and other rehabilitation techniques. The rehabilitation techniques generally add 50+ years to the life of the structure.
IDC Consulting Services for Sewer Relocation.
This project is to support sewer annual contracts for the different methods of rehabilitation of pipelines less than 15" diameter (8" - 12"). The Rehabilitation Contract incorporates alternate methods of rehabilitation to include cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining, complete line replacement, as well as pipe bursting and other rehabilitation techniques. The rehabilitation techniques generally add 50+ years to the life of the structure.
Small sanitary sewer CIP projects identified throughout the year which will typically be designed by City engineering staff. The projects generally consist of extension and replacement projects throughout the system.
This project is for providing Program Management services related to the City’s Clean Water 2020 Consent Decree Compliance and Infrastructure Improvements Program. This initiative provides a framework for supporting a number of areas including development of the program, implementing the program, complying with CD monitoring and reporting requirements, providing technical support and oversight, providing coordination and oversight of design consultants and construction contractors, and supporting the City with facility and collection system O&M assistance. This project is considered to be a capital expense due to the majority of fee being expended in support of the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects.
Funding for MWWTP projects necessary for maintaining efficient performance and compliance. Projects may include: Train 2 Mag System, dewatering roll-off pad, sec clarifier weir replacement, Leachate/sidestream EQ, biosolids staging and storage, digester pumping improvements, T2 aeration improvements, T1 aeration modifications, Sec Clarifier 5/6 rehab, PTF course bar screening.
This project proposes the relocation and capacity expansion of the North Columbia Pump Station to a firm capacity of 40 MGD. The existing North Columbia Pump Station is proposed to be moved from its current location to a location upstream at the site of the former Eau Claire Treatment Facility. In conjunction with the pump station relocation, the North Columbia force main will be extended for a distance of approximately 18,500 linear feet and upsized to 42-inch diameter. The force main will discharge into the Congaree outfall near the Canal WTP.
Professional services for Sanitary Sewer Main Repairs at four locations.
This project is to rehabilitate existing manholes that have been classified through Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) inspection as in need of repair or have immediate rehab needs. The City has a regional approach that identifies sub-basins or neighborhoods and covers many of the manholes in that area so that the sub-basin or neighborhood can be considered as in good condition and not a maintenance issue. The rehabilitation techniques generally add 50+ years to the life of the structure.
This project scope consists of implementation of a pilot polymer feed system along the sludge line that delivers a blend of primary and secondary sludge to the Metro WWTP Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Thickeners in both Train 1 and Train 2. The goal of the pilot study is to evaluate effects of the polymer feed on performance and capacity of the DAF tanks. It is anticipated that the addition of polymer will allow for a higher capacity of sludge flow while maintaining similar thickening results and potentially reducing the number of DAF tanks needed to be in service. Metro WWTP staff has previously coordinated with Polydyne to complete bench testing of various polymers. A type of polymer and polymer feed rates at specific mixed sludge feed rates were established from the bench testing. Metro WWTP staff desires to evaluate these recommendations through the pilot study. The pilot system will be implemented first on a DAF tank in one train and then moved to the second to allow for control versus test scenarios to be compared. The pilot testing shall capture periods prior to and during increased use of PAC at the WTPs during the summer.
This project number will allow for the funding of a capital rehabilitation project to be defined and implemented during the FY23-24 fiscal year. Projects routinely funded from this source are selected to meet the requirements of the Continuing Sewer Assessment Program (CSAP) and Supplemental Infrastructure Rehabilitation Report (SIRR) components of the EPA Consent Decree. The project funded from this project number will address high priority structural and maintenance defects that lead to sewer overflows and excessive I/I into the City's sewer system.
Construction services for the replacement of a portion of a 30" wastewater force main located off Candi Lane.
The project proposes a permanent dewatering roll-off receiving station at the Metro WWTP. The Metro WWTP is currently utilizing a temporary location and configuration to receive City sewer maintenance vac trucks, pump station maintenance vac trucks, Plant maintenance vac trucks, City dewatering cans, and companies contracted by the City of Columbia for unloading into roll-off containers for dewatering of solids in order to meet the percent solids requirement prior to hauling to the landfill for disposal. A site layout and plan to convert this to a permanent dewatering station will be provided. The permanent facility shall allow for multiple trucks to deliver solids to multiple dewatering roll-off containers.
Installation of a new canopy steel building at Columbia Water Beltline to protect Water Distribution and Wastewater Management's materials and increase storage capacity, while also providing a blank canvas for future growth in front of the new canopy.
Construction Administration and Inspection Services for Annual Pipe Rehabilitation.