MWWTP Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System Feasibility study with possible solar project to be permitted, designed, and built.
Relocation of approximately 1,500 feet of 8,10, and 18-inch gravity sewer lines and appurtenances.
The peak sewer flows in the lower West Columbia outfall are primarily a function of the operations of the Saluda River Pump Station, which is upstream of the West Columbia sewer basin. Under current operations, the lower West Columbia outfall shows significant peak wet-weather surcharge. As part of the modeling and CIP development of this system it was discovered that only 2 million gallons (MG) of the available 10 MG of equalization storage at the Saluda River Pump Station is utilized under the 2-year 24-hour storm at buildout conditions with the level instruments at the current control manhole 25230MH. Installation of level instruments in a second manhole, 25214MH, will work in conjunction with the existing control manhole for a better control of pumps (both flow diversion to storage tank pumps and export pumps) at Saluda River Pump Station and increase the available Saluda River Pump Station Storage tanks.
Miscellaneous improvements at the Mill Creek Pump Station including the replacement of the four existing drywell pumps with new PLC and VFDs, installation of an HVAC system for the entire first (top) floor of the pump station, improvements to air-circulation within the sub floors, installation of a single stall restroom with a sink, construction of a steel platform adjacent to the existing grinder structure for housing bypass pumps, and regrading the yard area and site lighting improvements.
Relocate 4,345 Ft of 8-inch Sewerline - South Main Street - Blossom to Pendleton.
Ansel Street Sewer Replacement.
Woodlake Drive Sewer Replacement.
Vine Street Sewer Replacement.
Catawba Street Sewer Replacement.
Woodvalley drive Bridge Replacement at Koon Branch Sewer Relocation.
SCDOT Blossom St Bridge Replacement Utility Relocation.
SCDOT Fairfield Rd Bridge Replacement Utility Relocation.
Capacity increase to accommodate new developments along with rehab/replacement of failing sewer manholes/pipes.
Design and construction of the relocation of gravity sewer providing service to the Olympia neighborhood.
This project involves rehabilitating the previously abandoned 36-inch pipe from manhole 26258MH near interstate 20 and Brickyard Road to manhole 24390MH at the Smith Branch interceptor. This section of pipe is approximately 7,860 linear feet of 36-inch concrete pipe and includes approximately 31 manholes. In conjunction with other 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates, including the proposed addition of wet-weather storage tank(s) at the Old Eau Clarie Treatment Facility and relocation of the North Columbia Pump Station to the storage tank location, the restoration of this pipe will give the Crane Creek system the necessary conveyance capacity.
The purpose of this project is to replace approximately 2,500 linear feet of 8-inch cast iron force main. The force main has been identified as needing replacement from the Woodlands Pump Station to the discharge of the force main at a manhole near the intersection of Bluff Road and Mauney Street. Tasks included under this project include preliminary design, geotechnical investigation, final design, permitting, easement exhibits, bidding assistance, construction inspection, and general services support during construction of the force main replacement.
This project involves the evaluation of Pump Station (PS) improvement alternatives, evaluation of 3,500 LF of 6-inch PVC Force Main (FM) rehabilitation/ replacement alternatives, and preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). The findings from PER stated that the PS and FM are adequately sized and functioning properly for the service area; however, the PS is receiving excess flow. City is pursuing to find and fix the source of excess flow before continuing with this project and it has been put on hold.
The East Rocky Branch Sewer Improvements Phase 2 (Lower Phase) project consists of upsizing the existing piping for a distance of approximately 4,500 linear feet with new 36-inch diameter gravity sewer and for a distance of approximately 2,700 linear feet with new 42-inch diameter gravity sewer, all located along Rocky Branch. The project begins at the intersection of Main St and Whaley St and terminates at the connection to the existing 60-inch gravity line located near the Vulcan quarry along the Congaree River. This project was identified as part of the collection system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014).
The Project Crane Creek Upper North Branch Extension (CC Upper) was originally designed in 2008 as a mixture of 20-inch ductile iron pipe and 21-inch PVC pipe. The 7,100 linear foot gravity line was re-evaluated based on current field conditions and re-permitted and all the necessary easements were obtained. The new 21-inch gravity line will tie into a 12-inch gravity sewer line that is part of the Crane Creek Sewer Trunk System. The project limits will begin at the Project Oro Site and it will end at 01714MH. The project limits and recommended sizing of the gravity sewer line were determined by the CITY and Hazen and Sawyer’s system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014), 2018 Collection System Master Plan, and ongoing 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates.
The Lower North Branch Capacity Upgrade Phase 1 (CC Lower) consists of upsizing approximately 9,500 linear feet of existing 15-inch gravity sewer to 36-inch gravity sewer. The project limits will begin at 28551MH and will terminate at 25844MH. The project limits and recommended sizing of the gravity sewer line were determined by the CITY and Hazen and Sawyer’s system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014), 2018 Collection System Master Plan, and ongoing 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates.