Small sanitary sewer CIP projects identified throughout the year which will typically be designed by City engineering staff. The projects generally consist of extension and replacement projects throughout the system.
The purpose of this project is to assist the City of Columbia in providing the final design and construction services which were determined under a previous project scope SS7454 and provided in a Preliminary Design Report (PER). This agreement includes final design and construction services for the selected alternative as presented in the Preliminary Engineering Report and includes the design of two segments of gravity sewer upstream of the Broad River PS which consist of approximately 5,560 LF of new 24-inch gravity sewer, and approximately 5,100 LF of new 42-inch gravity sewer, and includes two segments of force main downstream of the Broad River PS consisting of the design of approximately 3,900 LF of new 24-inch force main and the analysis and condition assessment of a force main section that consists of approximately 4,800 LF of 20-inch force main.
This project is to rehabilitate existing manholes that have been classified through Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) inspection as in need of repair or have immediate rehab needs. The City has a regional approach that identifies sub-basins or neighborhoods and covers many of the manholes in that area so that the sub-basin or neighborhood can be considered as in good condition and not a maintenance issue. The rehabilitation techniques generally add 50+ years to the life of the structure.
Atlantic Drive Sewer Extension.
The Disinfection Improvements for the Metro WWTP Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) have eliminated plant dependence on hazardous gaseous disinfection chemicals and aging gas feed equipment which posed a safety threat to personnel and the surrounding community.
The Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant Train II DAF Improvements Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) replaced worn process equipment and assessed other components for wear and future replacement needs. The project allowed the City to meet SCDHEC's effluent requirements and increase efficiency and reliability.
The Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant Standby Pump Station Improvements and Effluent Flume Modifications Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) included improvements to the standby pump station's capacity and hydraulic operating conditions, and modifications to the effluent flume structure.
The Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) provided upgrades to four aeration treatment basins and critical operating processes increasing efficiency and reliability and reducing costs.
The improvements during this Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) to the Broad River Pump Station addressed the existing hydraulic, electric, structural and HVAC deficiencies and increased the station's pumping capacity thereby reducing the potential for sanitary sewer overflows.
Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) improvements to the West Columbia Pump Station began with an assessment which led to rebuilding with resilient and redundant features to ensure continuous operation during flooding. Operating costs and efficiency have greatly improved and the potential for development has been increased. The Congaree River Sewer Force Main CD EAP addressed capacity issues in the existing sewer system by adding a new sewer force main from the West Columbia Pump Station and 22,000 feet of 42-inch force main from the pump station past Granby Park, Rocky Branch and along the quarry road at Vulcan Materials. Operating costs and efficiency have greatly improved and the potential for development has been increased. Total Contract Value is $7,851,089.69.
The Congaree River Sewer Force Main Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) addressed capacity issues in the existing sewer system by adding a new sewer force main from the West Columbia Pump Station and 22,000 feet of 42-inch force main from the pump station past Granby Park, Rocky Branch and along the quarry road at Vulcan Materials. Operating costs and efficiency have greatly improved and the potential for development has been increased.
The Saluda River Pump Station, the City of Columbia's third largest wastewater pump station, saw several improvements as part of this Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP). The pump station's capacity, equipment, and downstream force main were upgraded to increase efficiency, reliability and reduce the potential for sanitary sewer overflows.
The Columbia Metro WWTP Influent Pump Station and Preliminary Treatment Facility Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) involved the design and construction of a new 150 million gallon per day Influent Pump Station and Preliminary Treatment Facility - the largest structures of their kind in SC. Following the upgrades, operating costs and efficiency have greatly improved and the potential for sanitary sewer overflow has been reduced.
The upgrades to Columbia Metro WWTP's Final Clarifiers (Numbers 1-10) in this Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) allowed the City to meet SCDHEC's effluent requirements and increase efficiency and reliability.
The improvements to the North Columbia Pump Station during this Consent Decree Early Action Project (EAP) improved its ability to handle solids in the influent stream and provide better access for pump removal. Operating costs and efficiency have improved and the potential for sanitary sewer overflow has been reduced.
Small Sewer CIP projects for properties that are annexed into the City during the year. Funding for specific projects as identified through the course of the fiscal year.
The trunk line to be upgraded from Greenlawn to Burnside #1 Pump Station consists of approximately 7,000 LF of gravity sewer ranging in size from 12" - 24" using Ductile Iron and High Density Polyethene pipes. The project consisted of two phases. The first phase of the project was completed in July 2017. The second phase of the project was delayed due to easement considerations, and it has been submitted to Procurement for bidding in 2021.
During the course of a fiscal year, a number of emergency projects arise that are small in size, and generally are not known about at the start of the budgeting cycle. A project budget is needed to cover these projects so that very small projects or emergencies (collapsed lines, etc.) can be completed within the planned budget and completed quickly and efficiently.
This project proposes the replacement of sanitary sewer piping to upsize the existing piping from Manhole 19449MH to Manhole 25145MH for a distance of approximately 5,500 linear feet with new 24-inch diameter gravity sewer located along Kinley Creek from Harbison Boulevard to Piney Grove Road. This project was identified as part of the collection system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014). This project is classified as a capital investment because it includes the installation of new sewer lines.
The East Rocky Branch Sewer Improvements Phase 1 (Upper Phase) project consists of upsizing the existing piping for a distance of approximately 7,500 linear feet with new 36-inch diameter gravity sewer, generally located along Rocky Branch. The project begins in the Five Points area at the intersection of Santee Ave and Harden St and terminates at the intersection of Main St and Whaley St. This project was identified as part of the collection system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014).