A Program Of The

City Of Columbia

Project Description: This project proposes a permanent storage and feed system for magnesium hydroxide slurry for treatment Train 2 at the Metro WWTP. Currently, Train 2 has a temporary magnesium hydroxide chemical feed system which provides supplemental alkalinity to support the nitrification process. The system shall be a standalone system to operate within a range to effectively supplement alkalinity using magnesium hydroxide slurry to accommodate fluctuations in nitrogen and alkalinity plant loading. Since the 2015 PER, the CITY has implemented a magnesium hydroxide feed program in the collection system for odor control which may influence supplement feed requirements and operational ranges for Train 2. The 2015 PER is also currently being updated, and the process recommendations in the PER Update may also impact alkalinity feed requirements in both Train 1 and Train 2.

Public Benefit: Efficient Operations; Regulatory Compliance.