A Program Of The

City Of Columbia

Project Description: The purpose of this project is to assist the City of Columbia in providing the final design and construction services which were determined under a previous project scope SS7454 and provided in a Preliminary Design Report (PER). This agreement includes final design and construction services for the selected alternative as presented in the Preliminary Engineering Report and includes the design of two segments of gravity sewer upstream of the Broad River PS which consist of approximately 5,560 LF of new 24-inch gravity sewer, and approximately 5,100 LF of new 42-inch gravity sewer, and includes two segments of force main downstream of the Broad River PS consisting of the design of approximately 3,900 LF of new 24-inch force main and the analysis and condition assessment of a force main section that consists of approximately 4,800 LF of 20-inch force main.

Public Benefit: Efficient Operations; Regulatory Compliance.

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City Council approved design 01/19/21.
Under Design.

Estimated Design Completion Summer 2024.

Estimated Construction Start Fall 2027.

Estimated Construction Finish Winter 2028.
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