Project Description: As part of the City’s Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) required under the EPA’s May 2014 Consent Decree, the City of Columbia has evaluated collection system capacity to convey the projected future flow in the Crane Creek sewer basin from 2020 through full buildout of the sewer basin. Based on simulations using the Hydraulic Model, the results suggest that the existing Crane Creek trunk sewer, North Columbia Pump Station, and Rocky Branch/Congaree outfall trunk sewer cannot properly convey peak 2-year storm event wet-weather flows, as required by the Consent Decree, beginning with the 2020 planning period. The City is proposing the construction of an 8 million-gallon (MG) equalization storage tank and a corresponding Crane Creek Storage Pump Station (CCSPS) with a flow rate capacity of 25 million gallons per day (mgd) to address immediate 2020 system capacity deficiencies for the Crane Creek basin. The storage tank and pump station will be constructed on City property at the Old Eau Claire Wastewater Treatment Facility, which is located near the confluence of the Smith Branch and Crane Creek trunk sewers.
Public Benefit: Development Opportunity; Environmental; Regulatory Compliance.