A Program Of The

City Of Columbia

Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide technical consulting support for a sewer line capacity enhancement project.  The services performed as a part of this Scope of Service include evaluation of alternative alignments, engineering, design and construction services for upsizing the existing piping from Manhole 25844MH to 25871MH for a distance of approximately 8,000 linear feet.  The existing 18-inch sewer will be replaced with new 36-inch diameter gravity sewer.  The project limits and recommended sizing of the gravity sewer line were determined by the CITY and Hazen and Sawyer’s system hydraulic modeling study (Hazen and Sawyer, 2014), 2018 Collection System Master Plan, and ongoing 2020 Major Wastewater Collection and Transmission System (WCTS) Master Plan Updates. 

  • Council District: Outside
  • Sewer Basin: Crane Creek

Public Benefit: Development Opportunity; Regulatory Compliance.