A Program Of The

City Of Columbia

Project Description:

The City of Columbia owns and operates 56 pump stations in its wastewater collection and transmission system, including six major stations. Under the Clean Water 2020 Program, the City is making improvements to its pump stations to reduce sanitary sewer overflows in compliance with the Consent Decree between the City and the U.S. EPA. City selects a number of pump stations each Fiscal Year from the budget set aside in SS7384. Under this project, SS7437, the City has identified the following twelve pump stations in this fiscal year cycle that need to be upgraded: 
▪  Regatta Point No. 1 Lift Station 
▪  Regatta Point No. 2 Lift Station 
▪  Harbor Point Lift Station 
▪  Village Pone Lift Station 
▪  Owens Field Lift Station 
▪  Emerald Lakes Lift Station 
▪  Woodlands Lift Station 
▪  Killian Crossings Lift Station
 ▪ Hillcreek No. 1 Lift Station 
▪  Hillcreek No. 2 Lift Station 
▪  East Bluff Lift Station 
▪  Galaxy Lift Station
All of the facilities are submersible pump stations; all with constant speed pumps. These stations are located on small, isolated unsecured sites serving small communities, and consist of dual submersible wet well, with electrical controls housed in outdoor NEMA enclosures mounted on racks. The Lift Station and Backup Power project will involve detailed evaluation of these eight pump stations to determine needed upgrades, including: old equipment removal and replacement of pumps; piping and related appurtenances; generator, natural gas service, automatic transfer switch and related backup power requirements; SCADA interface, security fencing, and various other sites specific needs.  

Currently the City is undertaking a force main condition assessment project at selected major pump stations and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) improvement project for all pump stations, through a Capital Improvement Project SS7333.  Separately, the City is undertaking another project (SS7060), making improvements at six pump stations.  

Although the above referenced projects addresses the vulnerability of having sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) at selected pump stations, the remaining pump stations poses risks (SSO, curtailing growth, aging infrastructure, etc.)  

This project, based on the criticality, will select a handful of pump stations slated for improvements each fiscal year until all of the necessary improvements were carried out at remaining pump stations.

Public Benefit: Efficient Operations, Environmental, Regulatory Compliance.